Our Members

About Our Members

Members of IACTO are community based organisations who subscribe to the Articles and Memorandum of Association. Currently the membership is restricted to Boards of Community Training Centres. Each CTC nominates a voluntary Board member to attend IACTO general meetings.

Our CTCs

CTCs are part of YOUTHREACH which is the main response of Central Government to the needs of young people who leave school before completing the Leaving Certificate. However they operate outside of the schooling system and are operated by the local community. CTCs are independent community-based organisations, at the cutting edge of youth development. They look after the training and employment needs of early school leavers, primarily aged between 16 and 21

A CTC (Community Training Centre) provides training, educational and employment related services for young people in a friendly and informal manner.

Each CTC is owned and managed by a local community group and has a professional, highly skilled staff and modern, up-to-date facilities. CTCs are funded and supported by Solas/ ETB’s and learners may qualify for a training allowance.

For further details please see the Learner , CTC and Locations pages of this site.